Sunday, 29 April 2012

Rainy days and Mondays

Another rainy, cold and wet April morning. It has been raining for almost two weeks and the fact that we are officially in a drought is ironical. Despite all this rain we are happy because there is no need to use the hosepipe which in any case has been banned. Is that being obtuse? Our garden, (which was given a very dramatic haircut by Bob, our neighbour and handy man in the garden) has made a remarkable recovery with lucious greenery and fresh new shoots sprouting from every branch; is looking fantastic. The grass is the most beautiful emerald green and the birds are having lots of bird baths by the pond, our robin's breast looks crimson as he sits on top of one of the pond ornaments and the resident long tailed tit is nesting again in the conifer outside. All these activities can be viewed in our goldfish bowl conservatory. So not rainy days and Mondays anymore but lazy days and Sundays - reading the papers in my pyjamas, listening to the radio, cup of tea to hand and living in the present moment. Bliss!

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