Thursday, 19 April 2012

Day at the gym

Woke up to rain so no chance of an early morning walk today. In order to dispel lethargy and enertia, I decided to try out a new fitness class - body pump. It involved a variety of weights, step and dumbbell exercises set to music. It was good to challenge myself and build strength in my biceps, triceps and any other ceps I did not know I had! The instructor Nick did not flinch at giving us a jolly good work out, which at times felt like boot camp! I was pleased that I stayed the course and held my own with the other women in the class who were much bigger and stronger than me. I stayed focused and concentrated on the movements and worked to my own level. At the end of the class, I felt that I had achieved something that I had never done before and felt quite proud of myself. So the lesson I learnt was that in life we have to set ourselves goals and new challenges so that we can reach further into areas that we thought were out of bounds. Women so often lack confidence partiucularly in sports which were deemed to be male dominated. I wa s listening to a female boxer on Women' Hour the other day talk about her aim for an Olympic gold and she gave me the incentive and motivation to try weight training such as body pump. The other lesson I took from today's class is that we have to listen to our bodies and know how far to push it and understand that we have to take small steps at first and build up over time in order to reach the goal of good physical fitness. Furthermore it is important that i pace myself and to attune the mind with the body. The journey towards achieving good physical health will bring a direction in my life which i know will slowly unfold as I make choices and decisions about my work/life balance in the coming months.

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